Classify Trips
Classify Trips refers to the process of categorising a trip based on its purpose or type. A trip can be classified as a business trip, personal trip, or invalid trip.
A trip is considered from ignition ON to ignition OFF of the object.
Please Note: Classify Trips is included only in Trakzee Premium.
To get started
- Login to your account.
- Go to Settings > Master > Classify Trips
- Select Company and Branch from the dropdown list.
- Select From Date and To Date from the date picker.
- Select the Object of which the trips are to be classified.

- Click on Apply button.
The page you land on displays the trip details of the selected vehicle in selected time range.
- Click on
icon to classify the trip.
- Select the Trip Status from the dropdown menu

- Enter a Note to add additional information about the trip if required.
- Click on 💾Save button.